It was a bit of a soggy weekend but it didn't stop a gang of us descending on Chester and Norma in our wellies to hear Bernie read some of his fabulous poetry.
It was Bu's last weekend in Christmas Creek for a while. Despite the weather not turning on the charm, the locals made up for it
Along with Chester, Norma and Bernie, there was also Sue (Smith), Sue (Kearns), Nell, Graham, Mark, Brad, Kyha, Eamon, Darcy and Alannah
There were also the Brisbane blow-ins: Bron, Bu, Iwan, Mary, Darryl and myself ( I am hoping Norm has noted my grammar there!).
But first to the important business of coffee, buns and talking amongst ourselves....
OK enough preamble and onto the main course...
There was the headliner: an epic poem about the Valley folk coming and stretchering down the survivors of the Stinson crash. Great stuff!
There was the one about the Rugby
I think then came the one about the Speech Day
And finally the one about the food chain of monsters... fantastic!
All that was left was to venture out to the porch to identify one's footwear.
(Guess which ones are Graham's)